Skin Cancer: Prevention and sun protection essentials

In the second skin cancer special with skin cancer specialist Dr Fayne Frey, why you need to protect yourself by inspecting yourself and not just once a year.

She implores us to do it every month. Pick a day and put it in your calendar. Scrutinise every nook, fold and cranny of your skin. If you notice any changes to freckles, moles or random spots, get in front of your family doctor or dermatologist without delay.

I’m only feeling confident about the outcome of the surgery to remove the melanoma that suddenly appeared on my calf because I wasted no time telling my GP about it. An excision biopsy is being done in a couple of weeks.

Dr Frey’s prevention essentials are a timely reminder to all to pay more attention to this part of our healthy living routines. Never, she says, scrimp on sunscreen. Go for a trusted, big brand with a four or five star rating and slather it on liberally for a safer summer in the sun.

Cover photo: MBatty via Pixabay


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